Sunday, February 13, 2011


Jesus wept.. I just watched Gaslands The Movie and despite knowing about "fracking" it's incredibly depressing to see just how wrong some profit chasing can be.

100s of 1000s of wells built, countless people's lives effected permanently with horrific disease as well as the destruction of the environment around them...

I am of the opinion that making laws that enable anyone [certain corporations being the obvious culprits] to disregard clean air, water & environment laws, as well as empowering them with the right to secrecy about the contaminates they use in abundance, is totally EVIL.

So on that note I would say that the likes of Dick Cheney ought to be heralded as the most despicable, evil and unconscionable persons alive. And the bureaucrats and politicians that are complicit in making these laws, with the likes of *him*... totally unbelievable that they are the ones employed/elected to serve the people.