I've been lucky enough to be invited to preview the Beta of G's Wave, and a happy lad I am, just sad I have so few contacts as yet because it's yet to be passed around to the crew I tend to communicate with.
A long intro/about (over an hour!) can be seen in this vid: http://lru.jp/odeb
And one of my favourite Extensions for G's Wave, their Real Time interpreter can be seen here http://lru.jp/42ls (this clip is only a couple of minutes long :)
I've used the Japanese to English translator briefly, looks pretty good :)
I need more online (Wave) pals to test it out.
Web translators all have the same problem tho, not usually very good at getting the translation right. But use small clauses/sentences and the meaning has less chance of being overly munged.
I can't wait to see more people using da Wave, it's gonna be a pretty kewl revolution. How well might we really test the dominant paradigm(s) when people really are "on the same page" with the information stream(s) they share.