Friday, May 16, 2008

My Dream Interface

A buddy was telling me that 'multi-touch' (like the Itouch/phone) screens should be around a lot more within a couple of years, which had me asking him "so that means I can type on the screen (sometimes) if I choose yeah?"

Which then got me thinking..

you know the story of the monkeys that were trained to use a joystick to fetch their bananas using a robot claw, UFO toy game style, and they wore a cap to monitor their brains whilst doing so...?

after a while, by monitoring the brain activity the 'scientists' made the machine respond to the brain signals rather than the hand. So the machine was fetching the bananas coz the monkeys were thinking about it. Wearing some sort of brain wave reading headgear of course.

And *supposedly* the monkeys figured THIS out and stopped using their hands to direct the robot hand!

I just want to be able to type like that.. there's my novel written whilst lying in bed ;)

I mean, I'm growing fond of you folks but sheesh.. so much typing...

we used to have ads here for the Yellow Pages.. "Let your fingers do the walking." But now walk to businesses to give my hands a break!
